Monday, November 05, 2007

RE: July 5th post

Dammit, Margaret. I expressedly forbade anyone else to die this year. That included you too.

I didn't have the heart to post that our family friend Nate passed away a few months ago. I knew you were going through your own rough spot. How could I possibly have the heart to say that someone else had lost the fight, the same fight you are fighting?

Nate's situation struck a nerve in me. I don't know why it hit me so hard. It just did. And even though you had your own troubles to deal with, you took a moment to hold my hand and pat my back. And I can only hope that my goofy comments made you smile from time to time.

But now there is no more pain, no more worries. I sincerely hope you are at peace now. Because if anyone deserves it, it's you.

All my CB love,

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