Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Must think positive

Ok, so our family Spring Break vacation was just cancelled. So what if the ex is once again rearing her Medusa-like head. So what if certain aspects of my life are lazily circling in mid-flush in the Great Comode of Life.

Pfbt. I'm trying to remain positive here.

1. I have ice cream in the freezer.

2. I live in a decent neighborhood with lots of sidewalks where DH and I can take nice long walks like we did last night. We almost got eaten by only one hellhound, at that.

3. I have a new stereo and am getting new tires on my car.

4. I have a spare car that despite having earned every one of its 201,000 miles, still runs ok.

5. My step-son is generally a pretty decent, good-hearted kid.

6. The bad brake on DH's car did not turn into something more serious before it was found and fixed. (Um, yikes.)

7. My folks are in good health. And I get along with my in-laws who are also in good health.

8. My sisters, despite throwing themselves whole-heartedly into being pains in my behind, threw themselves whole-heartedly behind me, indignant in my behalf, when something sucky happened.

9. I have on-line friends, that despite distance, ability, or even knowing what I truely look like, will rally around with shovels, if necessary.

10. My dog adores DH and I no matter what is going on. Especially if we are holding a piece of cheese.

Ok then. I feel better already. And I will think positive. Because I gave up stress for Lent.


McB said...

If it helps any, I am a firm believer that everyone gets exactly what's coming to them eventually. Bad karmah (kharma? whatever), you can't escape it.

btuda said...

McB - I believe in divine retribution too for the things where people make bad decisions and don't follow the golden rule. I'm on the fence about perpetual bad luck.

I know. Back to my "ooohmmm..."

Keziah Fenton said...

My grandfather always said,"What goes around comes around." One of the nicest men ever, he died of cancer a few years ago. But still, I continue to practice the Golden Rule. because I feel better when I'm nice, considerate and thoughtful than when I'm a nasty vindictive bitch. I do believe that you get back what you put out. Aren't the shovel-toting CBs proof? Loyal, reliable and ready to take on the world for each other.

I bet there's a good (fun?)reason you had to stay home.

btuda said...

Well, geez, Cheryl. Now I'm going to have to make up something fun to do. My wedding anniversary is next week anyway, so usually we do something fun anyway.

Ok people, get your mind out of the gutter, will you?