Monday, November 27, 2006

Ok. It's safe to come out now.

Whew. Done venting. On to happier things.

Back on the He Wrote/She Wrote blog (see links), a few of the CherryBombs are posting descriptions of each other.

Considering the frightening quality of my crickets over in this neck of the woods, I believe I will be safe in posting my own description of myself, especially since I'm still fairly new over there. Nobody's met me in person (that I know of) and just a few brave souls have ventured over here.

I'm just anonymous enough to be dangerous. Tee-hee.

So here we go:

Name: btuda

Alias: bren tuda, foiler of the evil ex

Age: always a year younger than my husband

Height: increasingly shorter than my two younger sisters

Sign: National Sarcasm Society: Like we need your support (see

Likes: Chocolate

Dislikes: On going diarrheal stupidity

Favorite Authors: Jennifer Crusie, Bob Mayer, Jayne Ann Krentz, Murphy (of Murphy's Law)

Something no one knows about me: Since you are what you eat, I've grown three belly buttons, have a slight spongy quality and am filled with creme filling.

Favorite Curse Word: @#$%!, usually followed by &*$%@ #$%^(* @#%$&* @#&^*&%$!!!


McB said...

What, are you kidding? The CBs who are 'filling out the forms' are not the ones who have met. We're CherryBombs. We don't do things the usual way.

btuda said...

Curses! I've been found out!
(And stand corrected.)

Keziah Fenton said...

True, I think BCB and Jen are the only ones who have met and posted bios - about each other. Those of us who have met have sworn a vow of secrecy. ust kidding. I love the sound of crickets, very soothing : )