Thursday, November 30, 2006

So far, so good

I had an interview last night for the second job/part-time thing. Not a real biggie, just retail at the mall during Christmas, maybe longer. The interview went well, and with any luck, I scored well on the "personality" quiz. You know, the ones where it asks you to answer true or false as to whether or not you think it is OK to steal from your employer. I tend to over analyze, but I'm sure they don't want a psychological analysis over these answers. "Everybody steals." Well, I sure hope not since I don't really relish calling security every two minutes. But have most people walked off with someone else's pen at some point of their lives? I think so. That is technically stealing, though hardly worth spending twenty to life over.

See what I mean?

I think the store just wants to know whether or not I can be trusted with the cash drawer and not steal all our customer's credit card numbers.

Actually, my only fear is that The Ex will stop in to try and make things awkward. Nope, scratch that. Try living hell. I could really see her doing this. Oh, security ...?

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