Thursday, November 09, 2006

Rosalie, I gotta littLe virus Part 2

Well, crap.

I HATE being sick. DH and I have been planning this little daytime trip on Friday for weeks now and I'm sick. Not just "gee, I feel a little tired and under the weather." Oh no. I even went to the doctor, who in turn said, "You've got a viral something-or-other."

Without TMI, I've basically felt like crud for the past four weeks. And it's not even the same thing the entire time. Yeah, nothing like variety when you're trying to tell the doc you're sick.

So I've mainly had this cough. I get chronic bronchitis, so I thought no big deal. I'll just get told to rest and get a good decongestant. Wrong.

Instead, I get chest x-rays (something new for me) and a two day wait to find out if I've got pneumonia or not. Meanwhile I hope and pray my boss at my real job believes I am really sick and doesn't sack my sorry behind. So far, so good on that front. And no, I swear I am not faking it. It's just a major fear of mine that people don't believe me when I am.

The doc prescribed this cough medicine that I swear comes in a Super Big Gulp cup. The first thing I asked the pharmacist was if it was a "take until gone" or "take as needed" because the bottle was just that big. Thankfully, it's a "take as needed" which will probably come in handy since I get the coughing thing at least twice a year.

I don't know exactly what is in this stuff, but me-oh-my I couldn't remember my home phone number the next day. And I was trying to tell it to my boss in case anything came up. I tried to read and I'd fall asleep every hundred words or so.

Well, here we are two days later, still coughing and no x-ray results yet. I've missed a week of work, a week of writing, and DH tells me this morning he isn't feeling so good. He's now coughing and has a sore throat.

Sigh. I think my shopping trip may have to be postponed.


McB said...

Take it easy and feel better soon. I'm with you on that 'fear that people won't believe you' thing. I always seem to get direly ill on like Fridays and Mondays. Or really nice sunny days. Or the last day of my vacation. Or cruddy days when you want to stay in bed anyway.

Basically I get sick on occasions that are guaranteed to produce guilt.

btuda said...

Oooh, the guilt-ridden sick days are the worst. Today is my first day back to work and I never thought I'd be glad to hear, "Gee, you still look like you feel terrible." Um, thanks?

BTW, we did a modified trip so I could still have my nap. It ended up getting close to 70 degrees, which made it 90 in the stores and the Christmas music was in full swing. That just made my search for a winter coat that much more enjoyable. On the glass half full side, DH and I did get to go to Cheeseburger in Paradise, a restaurant owned by Jimmy Buffet that is a lot of fun.