I know, I know. Why aren't you writing??!
Because I'm a book addict, that's why. If I hadn't picked up a book from the library, I would have reread something from my stacks at home. And I just reread virtually everything. I finished my Calvin and Hobbs anthology last week. It was a nice jaunt down memory lane too.
I think it was on the CB Bar and Grill blog that someone mentioned an anthology called "Valentine's Day is Killing Me" with MaryJanice Davidson. Yes, "Cuffs and Coffee Breaks" was a hoot and she got our emailing culture down to a T. Cruising the stacks, I found another gem of hers called, "The Royal Treatment." I'm almost half way through and I've lost track of the number of times I've laughed out loud.
Yes, I'm plugging a book I haven't finished yet. I like it that much.
And I love Edmund. He is officially my current favorite supporting character. He's snarky and sarcastic as hell.
Go check it out.
PS: I finished the book. Still like it.
I have a question though. Well, first a comment. I am such a sheep. First reaction, I really liked "The Royal Treatment." Then I read other people's thoughts of some other books. And naturally I started to think. Always a bad sign. I don't like whiners either. I didn't think the heroine was that bad, but she wasn't my favorite character either. Edmund is still one of my all-time favorite secondary characters. Come on, his response the the "off with his head" order still makes me LOLROTFLMAO.
But still it reminded me of how on Will & Grace, my favorite characters were Jack and Karen.
It seems I've always done this. Start with my own opinion, then when I hear other people's thoughts on the same thing, I start to doubt myself. Maybe I latch on to the positive and immediately forget the so-so stuff. I mean, really. Is it worth getting worked up about? And I do have my wall-thumper reads. Trust me.
Maybe I just don't think everything though as thoroughly as I should before I open my mouth. And I'm not bringing this up because others have voiced their opinions. Good grief, I'd be the most unilluminated person on the planet if they didn't. Maybe it's bothering me because it takes me so long to formulate a thought I'm happy with to throw out into the fray. Then someone says something and I see a hole in what I've said, and have to think about it some more. And as a matter of fact, I was horrible at debate. It would take me a week to get through an argument.
You know, I actually had a question when I started this PS. Now I think I'll just end it with this. Teach me. Illuminate me. Turn on that light bulb hovering over my head. Tell me your point of view and why. Go ahead and prove me wrong, but back it up.
And don't forget the chocolate. There are wonderful thought-provoking properties of chocolate that add to the thinking process.
The only thing that matters is how you feel when you finish that last sentence. If the author pulled you into the story, the rest is just details. Phooey on people who want to nitpick things. I am more than willing to suspend disbelief and overlook stuff if the ride is good.
Oh, thank Bob there is someone else who does this!
I tend to take things literally, without reading between the lines or looking for symbols and underlying moods. And then, when someone else points them out, I wonder why I didn't see them also. I'm not (too) stupid, I just take things at face value, I think, and don't analyze. So, when it comes time to voice an opinion or thought, I get intimidated because someone else always goes deeper and "gets it", where I just skimmed the surface. Geez.
And I agree about the chocolate.
Don't know why I had to be anonymous, blogger is having a tantrum, I guess.
I firmly believe that this falls under my "hey, let's post/have a blog ... OMB, whatdoya mean somebody is actually reading this???! And they found a mistake? The horror!"
Ah, yes. My life as a shower singer. Everything is fine and dandy until you get caught. Thank Bob DH didn't know me when when I had aspirations to become a Solid Gold dancer. There I was, dancing my little heart out in the basement. Lessons? I didn't need no stinkin' lessons. And out of the corner of my eye I see my sister, frozen in place at the top of the stairs, either mesmerized or paralyzed with the fear I was having some sort of fit. Then she had that look - the one where someone looks like they are in severe pain from not exploding in laughter. I think I said something about a spider and promptly locked myself in my room for the rest of the afternoon.
They're opinions for a reason. (They aren't fact.) And just because some of MaryJanice Davidson's books have whiny heroines, doesn't mean they all do. Despite that one book where I wanted to slap the heroine and kidnap her hero, I still buy her vampire queen series at borders, full price.
I read what I like, despite what opinion might be. (Come on, we read romance.... With all the people who dismiss romance as formulaic and predictable, well, if some of them aren't secretly reading it, there must be a little old lady in He**-Froze-Over, Ohio with a lot of books in her attic. And basement. And silo.)
Hope I didn't ruin MJD for you forever.
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