Monday, January 29, 2007


To my overwhelming joy and happiness, I've started having anxiety attacks. I know, yay me. They are not the really horrible ones, just worrisome enough to get my attention and let me know that hey, you're not handling the stress in your life very well right now. Yes, I've been to the doctor and yes, we're working to find something that works.

The only reason I'm sharing this is that I may be posting a bit less as I work through this current wrinkle in my life. The meds the doctor has put me on is making me sleepy all the time, and that is so not going to work with work. There will probably be some adjusting and tweaking going on. The last time this happened to me, my writing fell way by the wayside, so that is a concern too. Writing is often very cathartic and I don't want to loose that outlet.

So with any luck, this will be a short-term thing. If I'm loopier than normal, we'll just blame the meds.

And I'd love to hear about any reader recommendations for something light and funny to read.


Unknown said...

Dang it, Btuda! I was just about to say that this is the perfect time to write all kinds of wonderful insightful things (the written equivalent of Munch's Scream perhaps, but hey that's a classic) and then I read down to the part about the doctor. Oi vey Maria.

Yes, the most important thing at this point is to get back to some kind of balance. I just hate when the writing has to get affected. ("But Doctor, my work!")

Actually, the most important point is that you are going to get over the anxiety and the meds will give you a chance to address whatever's bugging you without stressing you unduly. In my case an anxiety attack is like an allergy attack: there's a good reason for the body to respond, but the body overdoes the response and in so doing screws you over. Once the meds help de-stress, you can deal with the problem without having to deal with your body freaking out at the same time.

Okay, maybe I shouldn't even have commented here. Currently I'm on the exact opposite of your arc. The doctor put me on thyroid medication that is sending me to sleep. I was so afraid that I was going to zone out at work that I overdid the caffeine. As a result, I'm about ready to jump out of my skin I'm so hyper. If I tell the doc, he'll tell me to stop drinking coffee. Hell, I only started because of his friggin' prescription. What, me bitter?

um... btuda... you're not charging for this venting, are you?

p.s. hug

Unknown said...

p.s. Have you tried Terry Pratchett? Jenny and I both agree on Going Postal.

Other light reading might include P.G. Wodehouse's Joy in the Morning or, if you like fairly light-hearted mysteries, Edmund Crispin's The Moving Toyshop.

idwfwk - oh, the possibilities here. No, Mary, no. Behave.

btuda said...

Thank you hugs back. Thanks.

The thing that really honks me off about the entire thing is that I work very hard at being self-sufficient and independent, and I absolutely hate having to ask for help. I guess I have a fear of becoming a damsel in distress thats grown TSTL (too stupid to live).

I tried one Pratchett - it might have been part of a series. All I really remember is that there were wizards and a suitcase with six legs and teeth. And I remember thinking this was the type of off-the-wall stuff my dad was always reading while I was growing up. I'll have to give Going Postal a try. It actually took me a second try to get Jenny to stick with me!

Margaret said...

Hey, gal!

First, lotsa hugs for you. And any time we can blame meds for our behavior is a good time. (I got away with LOTS during my "chemo brain" days!)

Seriously, I hope that this crud is short lived--CBs have things to do!

Relax. Breathe. Eat chocolate. Let someone rub your feet. And then invite me over so I can have that stuff too!

Hang in there!