Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Well, ok. My new little toy is being ornery, but that's all right. I know I hold the power. Really. Otherwise that little puppy is going back in the box and back to the store.

But I don't think it'll come to that.

The toy is the new DVR I just bought. I taped my stepson's baby videos over the weekend, and I don't think he had ever seen them before. I can't imagine, but growing up, we always looked at our pictures, slides, and scrap books. Yes, my sisters and I know every blackmail picture, its precise location, and who has a copy of it.

The problem with the DVR is that I can't get all my cable channels to program. I'm sure its just a little glitch, but sheesh. I've checked all the plugs several times. I mean, I used to joke that my major in college was programming the VCR. Now I feel old. All my hard-earned technological knowledge is obsolete.

But on the plus side, the picture is crystal clear on channels 1 through 13.

Egads, but I may have to call the customer service number. *gasp*

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