Wednesday, August 08, 2007


It's Wednesday. Happy Hump Day. I really have no idea what Hump Day is supposed to mean. I guess it means we are over the hump and the worst is over, it's all down hill from here. Somehow I just can't get the image out of my head that somewhere there are a bunch of dogs getting their jollies off every Wednesday afternoon.

The week is going much better than expected so far. I am under no illusions that it will remain so though. There has only been one hiccup so far, and it is part of the endless problem of the officers I work for having no idea what it is I need to do to make stuff happen for them. Yes, I can beg, plead, and offer my first born in order to get things done to the powers that be 400 miles away, but as of this date I have not been issued a magic spell that will allow me to pull legal documents out of my butt without the proper information to complete it, let alone have it ready by next morning. Sad, but true. My tiara may be slightly tarnished after this week, and a little less glittery, but them's the breaks.

In the candle shop news, I had a kickin' sales day. I still love the Halloween decorations we have and will probably have to buy another tote to store the new stuff in. There is a haunted house I am dying to get that you put tea lights in. Too cute!

I know we are barely a week into August, but I'm started to plan my Halloween movie night. Since I don't really like horror films, I'm thinking Ghostbusters. Blair Witch kinda freaked me out until I hit the mute button. It suddenly became a comedy with the subtitles on.

So, what kind of Halloweenish movies do you like to watch? It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown is a given.


Anonymous said...

I don't do scary movies. They're scary.

Might have to go check out the candles. I love cute holiday stuff. It is scary the Halloween stuff is out already. Christmas stuff can't be more than 2 weeks away. :-P

My week has not improved much either. I hate stress. The screaming hasn't helped, just ticked off the neighbors.

btuda said...

I normally don't do scary movies either. I guess I have enough stress in my life without adding the bogeyman to it. I got sucked into seeing Blair Witch in video simply because I heard so much about it in terms of filmmaking that I was curious. Seriously. Watch it with the mute button on. It's a completely different experience.

Hope your week gets better, Me.

BTW, I think my manager said the Christmas stuff isn't due to arrive until the end of September! :)

Keziah Fenton said...

I like the scray creepy movies for dates. Gives both of us a good reason to huddle together, grope each other in the dark :D

But Ghostbusters is always good any time of the year.

Anonymous said...

Yess! Bill Murray. Anytime. I guess Caddyshack and Stripes are not for the kids, are they? Pooh.

Where is your candle shop? Have you blogged about that? Around here, with three kids, Halloween and Christmas are very big deals. I like them, too.

I want a tiara. Can you wear a tiara with a ponytail and a straw hat?

btuda said...

Louisa: you just made my morning. Now I've got, "That's a fact, Jack!" and "Razzle dazzle!" going through my head.

Nothing too glamourous in the candle world. I picked up a second job at Yankee Candle at the mall. I usually try to not refer to it by name just to CMA and not cause any unnecessary problems. I think I usually say positive things about it, but sometimes stuff happens and as much as we like to think we're venting among friends, the interent is a wide-open thing that anyone can see.

And OF COURSE you can wear a tiara with a ponytail and a straw hat! Actually, I think it would stay on better!

Anonymous said...

I don't like scary movies either. I much prefer my suspence in books, thank you very much. In movies, it's too intense. And I like to sleep at night.

Movies for Halloween? How about a Nightmare before Christmas. Which really works for either holiday. Hocus Pocus with Bette Midler and ???