Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hey, Rosalie. I think I gotta little virus.

(from I Love You To Death)

Actually not a virus, but was miserable just the same.

Every once in a while my body decides to take a little siesta, complete with Montezuma’s Revenge for whatever reason. Apparently too much stress, too little sleep and an extremely sensitive stomach was reason enough this time. Plus throw in Mother Nature’s way of saying, “Hey, you’re not PG,” and I was down for the count. I know, TMI, but I swear it’s like getting the stomach flu every month with every worst symptom. Yay me.

While I was in a moping contest yesterday with the dog for “Who is More Pathetic,” I finished reading Janet Evanovich’s “How I Write.” Excellent book, and not just for Plum maniacs such as myself who want to know every since detail of what went into writing the series of Stephanie Plum mysteries. In the back is an excellent section of resources for writers, including organizations, books and websites. As soon as I am fit to go out in public, I’m going to comb my local library to see what they’ve got from Janet's lists.

Over the weekend, my husband and I rented some movies, none of which were particularly noteworthy with the possible exception of “The Sentinel” with Michael Douglas and Kiefer Sutherland. I liked it and was pleasantly surprised. Our other selections were kinda “out there” and included “Larry the Cable Guy in Health Inspector” (DH's pick. I cannot believe someone let my stepson watch it and it wasn’t at our house), “UltraViolet” (loved the cinematography and choreography but fell asleep due to the plot) and a documentary on the Boston comedy club scene from the eighties (love Stephen Wright, but it turns out I wanted straight up comedy, not a documentary about it).

Speaking of, my favorite Stephen Wright line is, “I spilled spot remover on my dog and he disappeared.”

Followed by my next favorite, “I’m in love with my dental hygienist. I eat a box of Oreos an hour before my appointment.”

(These are paraphrased because I don’t have my source handy and the man is just too funny not to share.)

Now if you will excuse me, I need to try and suck down some more 7-Up. Cheers.


Anonymous said...

Yay! First post!

This is a very clever blog. Keep it up. Do you have any quotes from "The Ghost and the Darkness?"

btuda said...

Thanks and welcome!

Ok, I have to admit the only quote I had for you off the top of my head was, "ROAR!" (the lions, you know.)

So I did a little on-line checking for you, and here you go:

Charles Remington: Well, I'm a very considerate man. My mother taught me that.
[Samuel laughs]
Charles Remington: Now, what the hell you laughing about? You don't think I'm considerate?
Samuel: I don't believe you had a mother.


Narrator: Remember this... even the most impossible parts of this story really happened.


Charles Remington: We have an expression in prize fighting: "Everyone has a plan until they've been hit." Well my friend, you've just been hit. The getting up is up to you.

"The Ghost in the Darkness" is a great movie. Just a note: The remains of the real lions of Tsavo are located at the Field Museum in Chicago, IL. My sister, also a bit fan of the movie, was able to see the exhibit.