Happy Halloween, everybody.
In my humble opinion, it sure ain't what it used to be.
One of my favorite comedians is Heywood Banks of Bob and Tom fame. He has a Halloween song that about sums it all up: it's hard to be scary at four in the afternoon. We've watered down a holiday in the fear that someone will be offended. Now granted, this is a celebration of the icky, the spooky and the dead, but it doesn't have to be.
I just read an article about how it is mathematically impossible for vampires to be real. Okaay. Kinda sad when we have to be told this, isn't it? You'd think that after all these years, someone would have found proof somewhere about vampires, werewolves, monsters, etc. It is FICTION. Granted, it is fun fiction. I am huge Buffy/Angel, Charmed, and Supernatural fan. Not a big horror movie fan though. More like spooky-lite. I know that is probably a cop out to the die-hard fans out there, but that's where my comfort level is.
Back to Halloween. Schools can't have Halloween parties anymore. Parents have the check out the candy before the kids eat it. Some places offer free x-rays for the candy. Some people look at you like you are a Satan worshipper if you even talk about Halloween. You can't adopt a black cat around Halloween. Those things are even scarier to me than the day itself. Sad, sad, sad.
Sometimes I think the best way to remove the negativity from something is to make it into something so ridiculous that it becomes trivial. Costumes aren't just about monsters, ghosts and witches. There isn't anything really scary about a ballerina or a cowboy or a pretty princess. We buy costumes for our pet's now, for pete's sake. Trust me, my dog is none to happy about that particular development but I can't seem to help myself.
I love dressing up. A pirate, an 80's flashback, a gypsy - all big favorites of mine. I had a friend in high school whose birthday was around Halloween and every year she threw a big costume party. Puns and wacky costumes were always the biggest hits. My father is threatening to dress up like a Chick Magnet - a black sweatsuit covered with little rubber chicks. Gee, great Dad. My father the Chick Magnet. Remind me to stand over here ...
Now I also do believe there is genuine evil in the world, but I hardly think that handing out candy to a bunch of kids dressed as M&Ms is going to be the end of the world as we know it. Take back the night and put the scary stuff back where it belongs - in the stuff of stories and urban legends. Line up the angels and superheroes next to the villians and see who outnumbers who.
Every once in a while I think we need the darkness to see the light.
Have a safe and Happy Halloween!
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