Obviously, I've become a virus magnet.
Yep, I'm sick again. This is a real doozie this time.
Without TMI (I hope), let's just say that DH and I thought we were hit with a nasty bit of food poisoning Sunday night/Monday morning. It came completely out of left field. Never before have I ever wished harder that we had more than one bathroom. Luckily, we were good little soldiers and went in shifts and that's all I'll say on that.
We both went to the doctor on Monday and it turns out it is the very nasty little virus going around, accompanied by its little friend Temp of 102. Big fun. Have I mentioned it's not a good idea for both me and DH to be sick at the same time? It's hard to whine when the person next to you is whining just as loudly. Yes, we are both lousy sick people. The good news is that we are both on the mend and didn't aggrivate each other. Meds that make you sleep are good for that.
I can honestly say I cannot wait for 2006 to be over. 2007 has to be much, much better health-wise.
And why is it that whenever you are sick, there is NOTHING good to watch on TV? DH loves to watch Matlock whenever he is home sick. Matlock is ok, but after four hours of it, I'm ready to stick a fork in my eye. Thank Bob for multiple TVs in the house.
So ... what did I miss?
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