Thursday, May 17, 2007

So, how do you do it?

Blech. Time for a new chapter.

Yes, things are hectic. Ok. Things are REALLY hectic right now. And I'm one of those people who does not handle stress well. Thank Bob I get to snort candles at the candle store. I didn't think aroma therapy worked for me until I started working there. Feeling that tenseness in your shoulders? Grab a Vanilla Cupcake, Vanilla Caramel, Buttercream or Cranberry Chutney and take a deep breath. Aaah.

And yes, I noticed the theme too. Now if you'll kindly ignore the fact that I'm drooling on myself...

Life's not perfect, but a few seconds of sanity helps.

Of course, there are books. If my Saturday remains clear, I'll be reserving a few hours to read my latest library book and light a relaxing candle. Can't wait!

I know I need to exercise. I've been told - often- that it will help. Quite frankly, I have no routine and it shows. I have been doing more yard work lately but that only does so much. And then the rain messes up my schedule and I've got a jungle in my yard.

So here are my questions: What do you do to decompress when stress levels are going through the roof? And how do your motivate yourself to cut out some time to exercise?


Anonymous said...

Exercise? What's that? Never heard of it. :-)

As for relaxing...a good book, maybe a bag of Doritos (see above comment), or I watch Pride and Prejudice for the zillionth time. Or shopping. A trip to Payless Shoes or Target can make everything better. Does walking around a store count as exercise?

McB said...

I've done the exercise route from time to time and it is helpful but yikes finding the time is tricky. As a motivator when I was doing it I used audiobooks downloaded to my iPod.

Otherwise, yard work if the weather cooperates, crochet and reading - always. Books are much more portable than an afghan in progress ... or my back garden for that matter.

btuda said...

me - *sigh* Mr. Darcy. I love that DVD too. I finally had to get it on DVD because my tape wore out.

McB - I agree. Making the time to do it is the hardest. And I completely forgot that you can download audiobooks onto an iPod. Hmm.

And wouldn't you know it, I don't have room for the one piece of exercise equipment I've ever used on a regular basis. Mom and Dad gave me the ellipical trainer when they moved to TN, but it's sitting down at DH's garage, 30 miles away.

The Merry said...


1. I pet my dog
2. I hug my dog
3. see #1

Exercise. I've found that the only way I will ever get any exercise done is if I have no choice but to do it. Thus my cycling to work. It is nice to cycle past the gas stations and smirk ($3.45 was the last 'low' price I saw). Frankly, I park the bike in front of the evil SUV in the garage, so the only way I can leave for work is to a) move the bike while walking next to it or b) move the bike while sitting on top of it. Plus, I tell everyone at work that I'm riding in, so guilt plays a factor.

Have you ever considered a massage? ;)

McB said...

Btuda - you can also rip audiobooks from CDs. Not as great as downloading, but it works.

Anonymous said...

Well, books. And you know, books. Did I mention books?

As for exercising. I recommend finding a beginners bellydance class to join. My personal favorite fun type of exercise.