Monday, December 18, 2006

The Best Christmas Pagent Ever

One of my favorite Christmas specials ever. Just had to throw that out there. It's the one with Loretta Switt and the welfare kids who bring a ham for baby Jesus. I love the angel at the pagent.

I was on the Running With Quills blog a few weeks ago and the question was posed, "What are your holiday traditions?"

Since I seem to gravitate toward the humorous, I immediately joined in with the dumbest tradition I have ever started. Now that my step-son is fully aware that I am nuts, he just sits back and waits to see what I'll do next. Therefore, I have to keep doing the afore mentioned stupid thing until he is married and starts his own traditions he will live to regret.

Don't worry. My husband is fully aware of the nuttiness as well. I believe his motto is currently, "Way to go, Vern."

I got stockings for our pets.

I don't just mean for the dog. The dog is every bit as much family as the people are, although I know there are some of you out there who are shaking your heads already. Oh no, I got stockings for the guinea pig, the goldfish, and our the tropical fish. We had one for the hamster, but sadly he passed on to the big hamster ball in the sky.

At first, it was cute. Little snack sticks for the rodents and fish flakes for the fish. Ok, the guinea pig I can deal with. There are all kinds of snacks for Tiger like a salt wheel, snack sticks, flavored wood thingies, yogurt ma-bobs, etc. But the fish? Oh look. More fish flakes. Great.

Maybe I just need to buy more fish. Look! Santa brought you new friends!

I tried to "forget" the pet stockings last year. DSS busted me. How do you tell a kid his pets are undeserving of presents from Santa? Even if there is a good possibility he no longer believes in Santa, I think he gets a kick out of the fact that everyone in my family still gets presents from the big guy. Heck, we all get presents from the dogs. Oh, I wasn't supposed to buy you anything else? But I didn't. The dog got that for you. *wink wink*

Do you have any goofy traditions in your family for the holidays?


McB said...

I don't think we do anything particularly dumb. My cat gets a few presents but then its really her house; the rest of us are just there to serve her.

When I was a kid we used to wait until Christmas Eve to decorate. That sounds strange to a lot of people but there was a reason for it. By putting it up the night before, it was still very new and exciting Christmas morning. We'd come downstairs, my sister and I, and the tree would be all lit up, tinsel glinting, glass ornaments glowing, and beribboned and bowed packages under the tree. To a little kid it was a magical and exciting moment. If I had children I think I'd like to give them that same moment at least for a few years.

btuda said...

mcb: Great memories! I've heard of a lot of people waiting until Christmas Eve before the tree goes up. I think my grandparents used to do it that way while my dad was growing up. Both of my parents have worked for as long as I remember, so I'm pretty sure the tree started going up Thanksgiving weekend out of necessity to keep their sanity. That and they needed Christmas Eve to wrap all the presents, not to mention play with whatever the "big family present" was that year.

I've woken up in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve listening to my folks playing Asteroids on the new Atari and playing ping pong on the new table. Then my job was to make sure my younger sisters stayed asleep so they were surprised Christmas morning.

I've always wondered how in the world they managed to carry a ping pong table into the house, through the living room, around into the kitchen and down the basement stairs without waking anyone up!