I wasn't sure I'd have time to post again before Christmas, but it turns out I have a few minutes here to wish everyone a Merry Christmas again. And Happy Holidays.
I'm a little loopy due to lack of sleep. I can't remember the last day I had a complete day off -- and I've only been doing this two jobs thing for three weeks. Thank Bob I'm done after next week. Happy New Year to me!
Anyway, back to the loopiness: if I'm more scatterbrained than usual or run off on a bunch of tangents, that's why. No, I am not having an episode. Although if the episode would get me a few extra hours of sleep, I just might consider it.
Here is my Top Ten list of Favorite things about Christmas:
10. Christmas Carols. Or at least the first twenty times I hear them.
9. Candles. Yes, working at the Candle store has warped me. But I smell like Cinnamon and vanilla cookies when I come home.
8. Outdoor lights. My husband is gradually adding more to our collection. There are few things I enjoy more than driving around at night and seeing all the trees done up in white lights.
7. Christmas Cheer. No, no, not the booze. The good stuff. The good moods that really do pop up from time to time.
6. Pets. I have no idea why, but I am compelled to try and get a picture of the dog in front of the Christmas tree every year. He doesn't get it, doesn't like it, and doesn't want anything to do with it. It probably dates back to the year I stuck the poor dog in a Santa suit. Talk about one grumpy elf.
5. Christmas Cookies. Sugar cookies with frosting? Gingerbread men? Yum yum yum.
4. Friends and family. You know. The ones you actually want to spend time with.
3. Christmas specials on TV. I haven't seen Rudolph or Frosty or Charlie Brown yet this season. I need to get cracking!
2. Children's choir at church. I know, I know. I need to go to church more. But my favorite memory of my old church in La Porte was the mass with the children's choir. Especially when they've just learned to sing staccato. "And heav-en and na-ture's sing!"
And the number one Most Favorite Thing about Christmas...
1. Christmas Morning. It doesn't matter if you're five or eighty five. There is an extra something special about waking up and opening presents in your bathrobe with your loved ones. Providing Dad isn't taking pictures.
Merry Christmas, everybody.
1 comment:
A lot of the things you mentioned are my favorites too but I must say I get very weepy when I hear carols sung by big choirs. I don't know why. If I go to church and they sing carols I weep. I even weep watching the Santa Claus parade. Just a sentimental old elf that's me.
Have a wonderful Christmas Btuda. Hope the wicked ex minds her Ps and Qs.
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