The last post will probably have to be removed at some point, so let me just say this: the meeting with the new lawyer went well. He listened, answered our questions, and gave us some unexpectedly good news. I think we'll keep him. And if the ex hated the last one we had, she's going to absolutely loathe this guy. The money issue is still a concern, but after talking with him, it sounds like he's going to be worth every penny. In this case, he's going to what needs to be done to someone with no respect for the rules.
In other news, apparently the ex might be getting married - again. This would be future Ex #3. Thank Bob she got herself fixed. I would have thought we would have been more down about the news. Usually adding a spouse causes a never ending stream of headaches on our end, but at least it's only one guy and not a never-ending stream of new boyfriends. Our step-son will have the adjusting to do. For some reason DH and I are caught between saying, "poor dumb bastard" and "let him burn." The reason for the last sentiment is that rumor has it the boyfriend is behind the ex's sudden interest in getting more child support and thinks she should get at least as much as he pays out for his kid in another state. Um, duh, but every state is different. What the you expect from a guy with horrible taste in shoes? I mean, I'm no fashion icon by a long shot, but even I went, "Man, those are some ugly shoes." Anyway, the boyfriend is starting to sound like a meddler. Should be interesting.
I'm slowly feeling better every day. My appetite is still off, but at least I'm on solid food again. My sinuses feel like someone filled them with lead, but that's a whole lot better than I've been feeling for the past month. Unless I move my head too fast. Then it's like, "Oooh, look at all the pretty colors. *Klunk*." I'm glad I'm doing as well as I am because I start the new part-time job tonight. We'll have to see how that goes.
1 comment:
I would think "Oh look at all the pretty colors would come in handy at Candle World." It distracts people from your position on the floor and contributes to sales. Possibly.
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